Heart & Soul Healing Remote Session Questionnaire
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Please take time to fill out this questionnaire. SUMMARIZE AND PROVIDE AS BRIEF AN ANSWER AS POSSIBLE to each question.

BRIEFLY Include incidents such as:

  • any traumatic or dramatic events, such as broken relationships, lost jobs or accidents
  • death of family members and/or close friends, and how you handled the loss
  • hospital stays, including any surgeries
  • severe disappointments or rejections in your life
  • describe how you would like your life to be and how that is different from the way it is now; explain how would you like you to be different
  • Upon completion of this form, please mail it back to us at Post Office Box 1500, Cleveland, GA. You can also E-Mail (instructions here) your completed questionnaire.

    Your payment of $175.00 USD can be made by using the DONATE button on the home page. Payment is via PayPal. If you choose to pay by check, please ensure that payment is received prior to the date scheduled for your session. This fee includes the cost of evaluating your intake sheet as well as the one hour phone session. You are responsible for any telephone charges.

    When we have received these items, we will call you to set up the actual appointment for the phone session. You will be given a specific date and time to call us on our private line, and you may tape the session if you wish. Before your session, please review "Techniques For Being In The Moment - Clearing, Balancing, and Centering".


    Please make checks or money orders payable to Clear Light Arts, ADL.

    If payment is made via PayPal, please note date of payment here: _________________

    **note: keep all answers within the lines of these 6 pages. Additional pages will incur additional charges for review**

    Name____________________________________ email: __________________________

    Address __________________________________________________________________

    City ________________________________________State ______ Zip _______________

    Telephone: Day ____________________________ Evening _________________________

    Date of Birth ____________________ Place of Birth _______________________________

    Occupation ___________________________________ Marital Status _________________

    If married now, or in a committed relationship, how long?


    Children: names, ages, still living with you?



    What do you want to accomplish in our work together?




    What would you be willing to let go of, or give up to handle these situations?


    What are the reoccurring patterns in your life and how are they affecting you? How long have you continued these patterns (behaviors, relationships, types of jobs, etc.), and what was happening in your life when these patterns first appeared?





    Have you ever been in counseling or psychotherapy? If so, how long and with what results?



    Have you ever been hypnotized? If yes, for what reason?


    How did you find out about us?


    In what setting(s) did you grow up? (City, rural, small town, military or other)


    Were you adopted? If so, at what age? ______________________________________________

    How would you describe your childhood, including your home and school situations?



    Do you have early childhood memories before the age of 10?



    Do you remember any childhood traumas? Please describe.




    Describe your relationship with your mother and father or other primary care adults in your life. Are they still living? Is there anything about them or your relationship that is important to know?





    What is your parent's marital status: (Still married, divorced, mother/father remarried, etc.)


    Other adults who had a part in your upbringing: (family members besides brothers and sisters, important teachers or role models-both good and bad). What was your relationship with them?




    Names and ages of your brothers and sisters. Are they still living? Is there anything specific about your relationship with them that is important to know?




    Do you make friends easily? ________________________________________________

    Do you think about harming or killing yourself?_________________________________

    Do you tend to repress your feelings?_________________________________________

    Do you feel anger or resentment towards any person in your life? Why?



    Have you ever had an abortion or a miscarriage? If yes, how many? How long ago?


    Was religion/spirituality an important part of your upbringing? Your life now?


    Have you ever had a near death experience? If so, please explain.



    Have you ever had a psychic experience? If so, please explain.



    Do you remember your dreams? Have you had any out of body experiences?


    Are you following any regular disciplines? Meditation, yoga, martial arts, exercise, etc.?


    Do you seem to notice or experience anything as a constant in your life, and if so, does it prevent you from experiencing anything else in particular?


    What is your work situation? Do you enjoy your job and the people you work with?




    Doctor's name ___________________________________ Telephone ___________________

    Are you currently under a doctor's care? If so, for what?


    Are you currently taking any medications? If so, what kinds?


    Do you have a history of:
    __Allergy/asthma   __Heart disease  __Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    __Alcohol abuse   __Drug use   __Smoking   __Eating disorders   __Chronic pain

    __Fainting/blackouts   __Insomnia   __High blood pressure   __Shortness of breath

    __Cancer   __Dyslexia/Learning Difficulties   __Diabetes   __Hypoglycemia  ___Aids

    If you checked any of the above boxes, please provide further information. Also include any other physical problems you may have experienced, including those of ear, eye, nose or throat, as well as any conditions of the spinal column, nervous system, reproductive system or elimination system.



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